WhereLAN III In order to ISO/IEC 24730-2 Standards-based, It's a real-time location system (RTLS) Location and information transfer center. This top-of-the-line sensor can pick up active RFID The label (Referred to as WhereTag) Low power signal emitted, The maximum distance to which a signal can be received 1, 750 meter. WhereLAN III Advanced signal processing technology is adopted, To be sure WhereTag Time of arrival of the signal, Accurate to sub nanoseconds, Therefore, the positioning accuracy is the highest 1 meter. This means that you can view tagged assets and closely link the real-time location of the assets to business operations. WhereLAN III Can also be used to process data from WhereCall Event message for the button label. These labels are used in industrial production, Used to transmit component replenishment requests or task completion events. WhereTag The signal uses six sigma technology, Reliable and stable, Detection is guaranteed WhereCall The event. WhereLAN III will WhereTag The labels and WhereCall Data is sent to the stack, The stack calculates the location of tagged assets and sends actionable timely visibility information. we Tools are also available, implementation RTLS Integration of data with customer and third-party applications. VSS and WhereLAN III Accurate and timely view of assets throughout the company.